Practical Ways You Can Support A Charity
Tokunbo Ifaturoti
You know the need is out there and you want to help in a meaningful way. But how? There are a variety of ways in which individuals can support charities aside from donating cash. Yes, the cash is very important and the lack of it has stalled many charities in their efforts to help.
But you may be unable to make monetary donations, are weary of how your money will be spent or just want to do something more involved than write a cheque. If so, here are some great ways to support a charity.
- Make Other Donations – Find out what materials the charity needs aside from cash. Often times you may already have it or can easily access it. If they have drop-off points then take the material to them. Requesting that they collect from you is something they may agree to but it will cost them extra to do it. Remember, for charities and their beneficiaries – every dollar counts.
- Spread the word – Tell your social media network about the charity’s deeds and its needs. Ask others to pass it along. Mention it to your neighbours, at work and at religious gatherings. Start or sign online petitions in favour of the causes of charities and charitable organizations which you support. When you think about it – your voice is the charity’s the best advertisement.
- Volunteer your time and skills – You don’t have to be particularly good at something to help get it done. Charities often need help with physical labour, mentorship programs and record keeping.
- Give Money – Helping the plight of those in need will invariably have costs attached for which only monetary donations will suffice. If you have lingering doubts then seek clarification. Ask specifically what the funds are used for. Many charities will gladly tell you because they need and respect your help.
So don’t be afraid to volunteer, the good turn you do could mean a lifetime of opportunity for someone else.