Let’s be kind to one another …
By ChiYoWo
In 1998 the World Kindness Movement introduced World Kindness Day on November 13th. World Kindness Day focuses on the good deeds being done throughout communities, and focuses on the positive power and the common thread of kindness that binds us all together. According to Gulf News “it is a day that encourages individuals to overlook boundaries, race and religion” There are many ways you can participate in World Kindness Day.
Here are two suggestions to help you get started on World Kindness Day.
- Share a kindness quote. There are many quotes out there about kindness, such as “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted “–Aesop. So, find your favorite one, put on Facebook and Twitter and tell it to your co-workers and friends.
- Do Kindness. We should do kindness every day, but especially on World Kindness Day! There are many activities you can do such as: writing a note of encouragement to someone, picking up rubbish, recycling, helping someone out to their car, or donating to charity.
Random facts about kindness
Kindness Fact #1: Did you know engaging in acts of kindness produces endorphins, the brains natural painkiller?
Kindness Fact #2: Like most medical antidepressants, kindness stimulates the production of serotonin. This feel-good chemical heals your wounds, calms you down, and makes you happy!
Kindness Fact #3: The positive effects of kindness are experienced in the brain of everyone who witnessed the act, improving their mood and making them significantly more likely to “pay it forward.” This means one good deed in a crowded area can create a domino effect and improve the day of dozens of people!
So, no matter where you are in the world or whether you are young or old, be sure to spread kindness and participate in World Kindness Day!
[1.] The World Kindness Movement – http://www.theworldkindnessmovement.org/ [2.] Random Acts of Kindness – https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/about-us