Global Handwashing Day- October 15th
By ChiYoWo
It is extremely important to teach our children how to properly wash their hands. According to every year, 1.7 billion children do not live to celebrate their 5th birthday because of diarrhea and pneumonia. Three quarters of these children are located in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The most effective way to prevent these diseases is to use soap when washing your hands.
Global Handwashing Day was created to promote hand washing with soap throughout the world and to raise awareness about the benefits of washing your hands. We must teach our children how to wash their hands the right way, and when they should be washing their hands.
How to properly wash your hands:
·Wet your hands with clean running water (either warm or cold).
·Apply soap (This can be liquid, bar or powder soap).
·Lather by rubbing your hands together and scrub vigorously for 20 seconds.
·Rinse hands really well.
·Dry your hands with either a clean or disposable towel or air dryer.
When to wash your hands:
· Before handling food
·Before treating wounds, giving medicine, or caring for someone who is sick
·After using the bathroom
·After you touch animals
·After you sneeze, cough, or touch your face
·After preparing food, especially raw meats
·After you get done being/playing outside
Celebrate Global handwashing Day with us every year on October 15th and help us raise awareness to the importance of washing our hands for the safety of ourselves and others. Using soap while washing your hands is not only an easy and effective way to prevent diseases, but it is also affordable.
[1.] –[2.] CDC –
[3.] Mayo Clinic –